Wireless Design RF use case: Mastering Wi-Fi in Airplane Hangars

One of the most challenging RF designs that WFirstOne’s wireless technical lead faced in his career was the design for a Wi-Fi design for airplanes Hangar.

The Hangar has a capacity of containing 5 planes each capacity of at least 300 seats.

In that hangar at a peak usage there are 300 technicians working with tablets.

For maintenance each plane comes and inter the hangar, at some point during the night the hanger is full of 5 big planes.

Each plane is coming at a specific time, so we start with the 1st, then the 2nd, then 3rd …until the five come in.

The goal was to make sure the Wi-Fi coverage is good enough to provide suitable service despite if the hanger is full of plane or not.

We used in our design the tool Ekahau site Survey pro and accessories, a combination of Bidirectional and omnidirectional antennas


Be able to provide the perfect RF design solution for this case is what make us like our job. Personal and customers satisfactions are the most rewarded things that can happen to an Expert.

Check our pages for others use cases.